Proper Water Heater Installation in San Jose Ca
It is never a good sign to walk into a garage and see water. As I followed the trail of water to the source I realized it must be coming from the water heater.
I opened the water heater closet door and the pan was filled to the brim … and of course flowing out through the pipe and into the garage. This is why the water heaters are installed this way. There is one obvious code violation (this was done by a licensed plumbing contract not more than 5 years ago) as the overflow pipe from the water heater to the garage is supposed to flow all the way out of the garage.
After removing the water from the pan I called my trusted plumber (not the one who installed the water heater) and explained that I thought it might be a slow leak; that the water heater is 5 years “new”; and asked if we could wait until the morning or if it needed to be dealt with today.
The plumber said: “It might just be a nipple.” I wonder if your reaction to hearing those words was anything like mine. I honestly did not know water heaters had nipples. Apparently there are “nipples” at or near valves on water heaters.
We will find out what the real issues is at 8am when my trusted plumber arrives to trouble shoot the leak. My discounted fee for a service call is $80, plus the cost to replace a nipple, if that is what the issue is.
Perhaps it is also time to run the overflow pipe all the way out of the garage. I love paying for something twice … the first time when it did not get done and again to correct the problem.
There are good reasons to hire professionals who know what they are doing and who do not cut corners to save them time yet charge full service prices.
It’s easy to be fooled if you don’t know what you are supposed to be getting. When it comes to water heater installation and code, you will likely find it on the Internet. Many cities, like San Jose Ca provide links and diagrams with local code requirements as well. If you don’t do your homework first, it may end up costing you more money in the long run.
Ask questions. Before you hire a professional find out how much the professional knows. Find out what services are provided and at what price.
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Proper Water Heater Installation in San Jose Ca – by Kathleen Daniels, San Jose Real Estate agent
Tags: avoid foreclosure, facing foreclosure, San Jose Homes for Sale, San Jose Short Sales
Courtney says
I did not know water heaters had nipples either. This is kind of a funny post. I do understand the importance of hiring a licensed and qualified plumber, as you did.