95125 Willow Glen Home Sales ~ August 2008

Reporting 95125 Willow Glen resale single family residences and condos as well as new Willow Glen 95125 homes sold by zip code 95125 in August 2008.

% Change is from the same month last year at the Median Price. Willow Glen California home sales include all attached and detached Willow Glen Ca homes, both new and resale, including FSBO, family transfer and out of area sales. Price per Square Foot pertains only to single family resale.

The information is gathered from public records at county recorders offices where documents are filed after the close of escrow.

Willow Glen
Zip: 95125
Sales: 49
% Change: -18.3%
Med. $: $675,000
% Change: -15.5%
High $: $1,757,000
$/Sq. Ft. $486
% Change: -4.4%

Copyright © 2008, All Rights Reserved by Kathleen Daniels *95125 Home Sales in August 2008*

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