Santa Clara County
If it is time for change in your Almaden Valley ~ 95120 home environment, then you definitely want to attend the California Home, Garden & Gourmet Show this weekend. It’s happening at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds! 344 Tully Road San Jose, CA 95111 Visit the California Home, Garden...
San Jose Listings Active Single Family Home Listings for week ending Nov 8, 2008 compared to Nov 10, 2007 There were 100 single family home listings active in the week ending November 8, 2008 compared to 72 single family home listings active in week ending November 10, 2007. Of...
The decline in your Santa Clara County home value may lower your property taxes. Proposition 8 was passed in 1978 by California voters. When a property experiences a decline in value proposition 8 allows for a temporary reduction in assessed value. A decline in value is determined if the...