San Jose Ca Home Buying – Writing Winning Offers

There is a way to ensure your offer to purchase your San Jose Ca home is accepted. It’s simple – really!

  • Offer fair market value.
  • Offer written on a California Association of Realtors (“CAR”) contract.
  • Ensure the contracts used are the most current version.
  • Ensure the contract is complete, signed and initialed, where necessary.
  • Provide current loan approval letter which provides your lenders name and contact number.
  • Provide “proof of funds” which means a current copy of statements from the bank(s) which hold the funds you intend to use for the purchase.
  • If any of the funds needed to purchase are “gift funds” then submit a copy of the gift letter and a copy of the bank statement which shows the amount of funds in the account and the name of the “Giftor” on the account.

Happy Sellers SOLD Home

It’s really that simple. Writing offers without the ability to prove you can make the purchase is a waste of time. If your offers are not being accepted … any one of the above may be the reason why your offers are not accepted.

This post was inspired by an offer I received on one of my San Jose homes for sale. The buyer needed to prove $170,000 in funds. Buyer proved $2,143.13 in the buyer’s checking account. This did not even cover the $10,000 deposit check. When I called the agent representing the buyer, she told me the buyer has $50,000 in savings and the rest is going to be a gift.

The offer was not accepted.


Hire a professional who knows how to write a winning offer.

Call Kathleen Daniels today for a free home buying consultation – 1-800-972-1822

Copyright © 2010, All Rights Reserved by Kathleen Daniels

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